Me? Nominated for an award? Oh you shouldn’t have!

Hey lovelies!

So ive only done three other blog posts before this! So I was very very suprised when I was nominated for this award!
So first of all, I have to give a mahoosive thank you to my very very good friend Lauren Gallagher for nominating me! It was very unexpected but I appreciate it a lot! Check out her brilliant blog by clicking on her name, it is amazing despite Lauren also being a new blogger, she’s a natural!

Now let’s get to the interesting bit..the questions! 

1. Why did you decide to start blogging? 

I decided to start blogging because I am very passionate about a few things, which you will all eventually find out in future blog posts and that you can also see in my two most recent posts.  I thought to myself blogging is like a modern-day diary that I can write whatever I want, whenever I want with the hope that some people may enjoy it.  I also think it is a great way to improve your writing skills and to get more exposure into all types of different industries! Now I am addicted and loving it!

2. What is your favourite social platform for connecting with other bloggers and why? 

My favourite social platform would most definitely be Instagram! I think it’s great that you get to see other people’s way of lives,  i find so interesting. I also follow a lot of bloggers, ‘Instagram famous’ people and celebrities that give me inspiration on the style of my blog and to see what they think is the ‘in thing’ at the time. All social media platforms are a very big part in people’s lives right now and I think whilst it’s in full swing, people should use it to their full advantage!

3. Who inspires you the most? 

I think most of my friends would expect me to say ‘Beyoncé’ but my inspiration is 1000 times better than Beyoncé in my opinion and that would be my mother 🙂 she brought me up as a single parent and has done such an amazing job, she has always been so strong and she is a very very independent woman. She is loved by everyone who knows her and she is so optimistic! she always gives the best advise and she is also my best friend.

4. how would you describe yourself? use only one sentence!

A very generous, caring and enthusiatic person, who loves to be sociable and just wants to have fun.

5. What is your best blogging tip?

I am completely new to blogging so I don’t really have any tips, but what i would say is always have fun when writing your posts and be yourself.

6. What is your favourite colour?

I don’t really have a favourite colour, I really like nude colours, khaki and pastel colours at the moment.

7. Other than blogging (obvvvviously!), What’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I spend a lot of time seeing my boyfriend and friends, I love to sing so when I get a chance I do videos of different covers. I spent time with family and i should be going to the gym more, which i do enjoy when I go (which is a rare occasion).

8. What is your absolute dream job? and why?

I don’t have a dream job, I have always been one of those people who is very uncertain as to what  I want to do. What I do know is like every other person I want to be able to live through life without me or my family struggling or having to worry about money. I want to make sure I own my own house and I can have some luxuries in life.

9. What is your embarrassing story? (Go on….don’t be shy)

My most embarrassing story that I can think of would probably be when me and my boyfriend had been together for a maximum of 6 months, we went for out first meal and our first proper date, I ordered a massive pizza and when it arrived they hadn’t cut it or given me a pizza cutter, so there my boyfriend was eating away and across from him there  was me trying to cut my pizza. The WHOLE table was rocking from where I couldn’t cut the pizza at all as i had such a blunt knife! In the end I had to get him to cut it. It may not sound very embarrassing to you, but I was trying to make a good impression and I was soooo embarrassed.

10. What is your end goal for your blog?

The end goal for my blog is for the people reading my posts to either take something from them or to just enjoy reading them. I aspire to inspire, so I hope i can inspire a lot of people to just be themselves, love themselves and to not care what other people think, because in this day and age that is so hard, you’re expected to be something you’re not so you’re socially expected.


The Bloggers I would like to nominate…

Sithara from Musings Of A Mellow Mind 

Kaylin From Shy Beauty Blogger

Olivia From Its A Blondes World Blog

Jenny From I Am Jenny Casillas

Ellie From Blond In The City


The questions I would like to ask my nominees 🙂

1. How long did it take you to make your decision to start blogging?

2. What is your favourite memory?

3. If you had three wishes what would they be?

4. What are your hobbies?

5. What do you enjoy about blogging?

6. Who is your favourite blogger? (from any social platform)

7. Name three places you would love to travel?

8. How did you come up with the name of your blog?

9. How would you describe your life? Only use three words.

10. What is your style icon?


The Rules.

The Rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
(Copy and paste the Liebster Award badge to your post)
-Nominate up to 10 new bloggers
-Answer the 10 questions the person who nominated you asked you
-Notify the bloggers you have nominated by leaving them a comment on their blog
-Create 10 new questions to ask the bloggers you nominate…


Lots of love,








A letter to a younger more insecure self. 


Hey lovelies!

Thank you for the support so far.

So, I know I’m only 22 years of age but I feel like I have learnt a lot about MYself and MY life in the past 6/7 years, but even more so in the last year.  So I decided for my second post i would get a little more personal and I would write a letter to my younger self. Instead of doing a full on letter I’m just going to give 10 indepth pieces of advice, otherwise I’ll be waffling for ages and you’ll all start falling asleep on me. I don’t want to scare you away just yet!

1. Don’t be afraid to lose some of the friends you have right at this moment, you meet some amazing friends in the next few years that will wipe the table with them and they’re there for life, a few friends will stay in your life and they’re the amazing but life is all about change and making new friends and experiences, just don’t be afraid to be open and friendly and don’t be so shy!! 


2. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, I know it’s hard trying to find your identity at the moment, but stop straightening your hair and embrace yourself and your colour! Don’t be scared to be different! It’s the in thing! You just have to be confident and DONT WORRY about what anyone else thinks! You’ve got No one to impress yet! 😉 (believe it or not you’ll meet the most amazing guy when you’re 17 and he’s the one) I know you have big lips, thick thighs and a big assett just try not to feel too out of place for a few more years, because people are soon try to buy what you already have and my will always remind you of that. Be proud of what ya mama gave ya! 

3. Forgiveness is a thing you need to start remembering! You don’t have to forgive and forget but just forgive because otherwise you’ll always regret not forgiving that person.
4. Go with you gut! Keep singing girl! You’ve got it in you! Don’t give up! Don’t let people tell you you can’t sing, because you can! Do as much as you can to push yourself because at the end of the day it’ll make you more confident. Basically, do what you want to do and don’t do what people want you to do just to make them happy, you have to be selfish sometimes and make YOURSELF happy, because at the end of the day you need to look after yourself and look after your future.

5. Don’t let anybody tell you you’re not beautiful!! Those stupid boys and girls that have in the past and that will in the future..they’ve got nothing else to do but to put other people down because of insecurities they have got. You’ll meet two amazing girls when you’re 21 and they will make you realise your worth but until then be strong, stand tall and keep your head high! 

6. Always be kind and grateful, you’ll have the chance to experience some amazing places but it will really make you think how lucky you are, don’t take things for granted because they can be taken away with a click of a finger. As mummy always says treat people how you would like to be treated yourself. I have always gone by that and it does some good in the world! 

7. This ones a little bit weird but appreciate your grandmother more, I know you don’t get on right now but you have to realise how much she went through for you to be here today! She married your grandfather and moved from Uganda to the UK not knowing a SINGLE SOUL, she went through so much racism in the 60’s and stayed strong for her children and there children and so on! But be kind to her, she loves you and only wants the best for you! I know she shouts at you for not doing the cleaning, the washing up and telling you that you need to get a job but that’s what she is there for HAHA!

8. Save money and travel the world when you’re a little older. Make as many memories you can with people you meet and make connections ‘It’s not what you know it’s who you know!’ – remember that one! You need to make the most of everything whilst you’re young because it gets harder as you get older as you will start wanting different things in life and things will change.’ve done so well to get this far…mum is very proud of you and she always will be, she will always have your back whatever decisions you decide to make. she has always stood by you and always will, I know she says if somethings goes wrong you have to learn from your own mistakes but she’s still the shoulder to cry on, even at 22, you’ll always be her baby and you’ll always be best of friends.

10. One last thing, please please just live your life! It goes far too quick! The older you get the quicker the years go..Have fun! See friends, be spontaneous, see family, take photos, study the right way, go with your gut, make the most of every opptunity, smile loads, don’t be so sensitive and do not live with any regrets! Try your best and stay confident! Live, love and laugh. 
Lots of love! 

Your little bit older and little more wiser self! 

Gibole Natale;x